
"Climbing Everest" Featurette

No matter how experienced and highly trained the climber may be, there is truly no way to safely climb to the peak of Mount Everest. The human body simply isn’t designed to survive at the altitudes reached during this climb. When climbers reach extreme heights, the body essentially begins to die. Thus, the goal is to summit as quickly as possible and then reach safe heights again before an individual’s health and safety take a turn for the worse.

Universal Pictures’ Everest is based on the true story of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster, which occurred when an unexpected storm hit a collection of expedition groups scaling Mount Everest. The incident led to the deaths of eight climbers as they attempted to descend the mountain and reach safety.

To learn more about the Everest film—as well as information about the real-life disaster—be sure to check out the array of Everest movie extras available from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. Among several fascinating Everest movie features are Everest movie behind-the-scenes clips and interviews that relay information about the climb. In one featurette, “Climbing Everest,” in our “Making Of Featurettes” section, viewers can dive a bit deeper into the motivations that drive Everest climbers.

Everest - Guy Cotter

According to Guy Cotter, a key alpine advisor, “A lot of people ask why we would go and do this sort of thing… why we would risk our lives.” As the feature reveals, for most who choose to scale Everest, it isn’t just about the physical achievement of reaching the mountain’s peak. The motivation behind mountain climbing is often much more visceral.

Climbing the tallest mountain in the world is a challenge like no other, and for many people who attempt it, it represents the idea of defeating a seemingly insurmountable entity. Scaling Everest forces climbers to face fears that they’d never been able to overcome in the past, allowing them to grow as individuals and adjust how they approach their day-to-day lives.

According to climbers. when someone strives to reach a peak like Mount Everest, the everyday concerns and worries of their life quickly fade into the background. No matter where they are on the climb, the top priority is simple—stay alive and make the best possible decisions to maximize the chance of survival. It’s a way for climbers to temporarily detach themselves from their own lives and what has been troubling them. All stresses and other overwhelming feelings are no longer relevant.

Everest - Climbing the mountain

This Everest movie feature reveals that when someone returns from their journey up a peak like Mount Everest, it’s often like a rebirth. They’ve left all their past baggage behind and can start from scratch. For many climbers, this is the ultimate way to refresh their minds and assume a more peaceful sense of wellbeing. By climbing Everest, it’s possible to show that an everyday person can accomplish incredible feats.

To learn more about the experiences of those who’ve climbed Mount Everest, take advantage of the Everest movie extras offered by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. You can view Everest movie behind-the-scenes clips and interviews today when you buy the movie on 4k Ultra HD, DVD, Digital, or Blu-rayTM*. 

*Bonus features are only available at select digital retailers. Check the retailer for details.



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