In this spine-tingling and visually stunning thriller, Academy Award nominee Samuel L. Jackson (Unbreakable, Shaft, Pulp Fiction) delivers a "full-throttle performance" (People) as Romulus Ledbetter, a misunderstood musician turned recluse, hiding from personal demons in a New York City cave. When Romulus finds the frozen body of a young drifter in a tree, the authorities - including his police officer daughter (Annjanue Ellis) - claim the death is accidental. Romulus is convinced the man was murdered by prominent art photographer David Leppenraub (Colm Feore). But how can he prove he's right when everyone thinks he's insane?Directed by Kasi Lemmons (Eve's Bayou) and from the Edgar Award-winning novel, The Caveman's Valentine is an "ingenious thriller" hails the San Francisco Examiner, "Samuel L. Jackson is nothing short of astonishing!"