The iconic show that earned 11 consecutive Primetime Emmy® Award nominations for Outstanding Drama Series continues with Law & Order: The Sixth Year. Benjamin Bratt hits the streets with New York's Finest as Detective Rey Curtis, and joins returning stars Sam Waterston, Jerry Orbach and Jill Hennessey in 23 gripping episodes ripped from the headlines. Also on the case are compelling guest stars, including Richard Belzer (Law & Order: Special Vitims Unit ), Andre Braugher (The Mist), Michael Imperioli (The Sopranos), Peter Sarsgaard (Rendition) and Jennifer Garner (The Kingdom). This must-own 5-disc collection of the entire sixth season includes the crossover episode "For God and Country" from the Primetime Emmy® Award and Peabody® Award winning show Homicide: Life on the Street. Renowned creator Dick Wolf brings you television's longest-running crime series, which has been honored by more than 50 Primetime Emmy® Award nominations. Captivating and powerful, Law & Order: The Sixth Year will have you following the clues again and again!