Special Features:
Sex and Violence: Studio Outtakes
Full Frontal Nudity: Studio Outtakes
The Ant, an Introduction: Studio Outtakes
Untitled: Extended Ron Obvious Filmed Material and Clean End Titles
The Buzz Aldrin Show: Extended & Unused Filmed Material
Live from the Grill-O-Mat: Extended Ken Clean Air System
It's a Living: Extended Election Night Special
It's a Living: Extended School Prizes
It's a Living: Censored Audio
How to Recognise Different Parts of the Body: Censored Audio
Scott of the Antartic: Extended Filmed Material
How Not to Be Seen: Extended Conquistador Coffee
How Not to Be Seen: Unused Filmed Material
And Now for Something Completely Different Interview with Ian MacNaughton
Whicker's World: Extended Mrs Premise & Mrs Conclusion Filmed Material
Blood, Devastation, Death, War, and Horror: Bus Conducter Extended Scene
Blood, Devastation, Death, War, and Horror: Extended Pantomime Horse Filmed Material
The Nude Organist: Studio Outtakes
The Nude Organist: Alternative Terry Gilliam-Approved Sound Mix
E Henry Thripshaw's Disease: Extended Sir Philip Sidney Filmed Material
E Henry Thripshaw's Disease: Extended Gay Boys in Bondage Animation
Dennis Moore: Extended Redistribution of Wealth Filmed Material
A Book at Bedtime: Original Opening
A Book at Bedtime: Extended Health Tango Animation
Grandstand: Extended Grandstand Filmed Material
Grandstand: Extended Charwoman Animation
Grandstand: Unused Betty Blood Donor Animation
Grandstand: Studio Outtakes
Series 3 Monologue Rushes
The Golden Age of Ballooning: Extended Barry Zeppelin Filmed Material
Michael Ellis: Deleted Icelandic Honey Week Filmed Material
Michael Ellis: Extended Toupee Department Filmed Material
Michael Ellis: Extended Football Pundits Filmed Material
LE War: Repeats Extended Voiceover & Unused M2 Filmed Material
LE War: When Does a Dream Begin
Hamlet: Extended Queen Victoria Handicap Filmed Material
Mr. Neutron: Extended Mr. Neutron Takes Tea Filmed Material
Party Political Broadcast: Extended Fanshawe- Chumleigh Dinner Party Filmed Material
Party Political Broadcast: Deleted Ursula Hitler Filmed Material
Restoring Flying Circus with Terry Gilliam
In Vision Archive Interview from December 1974